Friday, February 13, 2009

The Man With a Thousand Voices

Inspiration, I never rarely get it but wen it does come, I can barley reconize it. It's amzing the people I meet. I met someone a few days ago, she well came out of nowhere and the more I get to know about her the more she amazies me. It's almost like she is the only person that knows about life and what to get from it. I never had any friends, but she, she is different. Nevertheless I found my way back to blogging, didn't do it since the 7/8th grade. Turly it's like riding a bike, the words will flow back to you and effortlessly flow from you mind to your hands and type on the keyboard like magic. This is gonna be very strange, meeting her and realizing that there are people out there who live life. I guess it's one of those times in life where you look where you want to go. My head hurts. I guess I over-think things, and i guess that's why no one really wants to be close but blah self-pity gets us nowhere. The only worry I have is that person I met is leaving soon she really wants to she longs to leave and to adventure out but atleast I can know she helped changed my life. And if she does go away, I can always look forward to a life-time full of post cards.


Ohh, I'm adding quotes!!
So love the sunshine let it come
To show us that tomorrow is eventual
We know it when the day is done"

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